Resources by Kelly Ryan Dolan - Olive Tree Bible Software

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Resources by Kelly Ryan Dolan

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Be the Change: Your Guide to Freeing Slaves and Changing the World

Be the Change: Your Guide to Freeing Slaves and Changing the World

by Zach Hunter, Kelly Ryan Dolan and Kelly Higdon

Narrated by Kelly Ryan Dolan and Kelly Higdon

Most people think the average teenager isn’t capable of much beyond hanging with their friends and wasting time. But Zach Hunter isn’t your average teenager. And he’s hoping to show you that you’re not either. Zach has been trying to end slavery around the globe. Most people (maybe even you) think that slavery has been over for a long time. But sadly… Read more…

What The Bible Is All About

What The Bible Is All About

by Kelly Ryan Dolan, Anna-Lisa Horton and Henrietta Mears

Narrated by Mears, Henrietta

Understand your Bible with this fascinating audiobook!  Everyone who has a Bible should have a copy of What the Bible Is All About. In clear, concise language, it gives you an excellent overview and understanding of every book in the Bible—and makes it come alive as never before.  This audiobook shows why the Bible is one book, one history, o… Read more…

Think No Evil: Inside the Story of the Amish Schoolhouse Shooting...and Beyond

Think No Evil: Inside the Story of the Amish Schoolhouse Shooting...and Beyond

by Shawn Smucker, Kelly Ryan Dolan and Jonas Beiler

Narrated by Beiler, Jonas

The Amish will be the first to tell you they're not perfect.  But they do a lot of things right.  Forgiveness is one of them.  A one-room schoolhouse sat amid the gentle, quaint Amish community in Nickel Mines, Pennsylvania.  It made such a picturesque scene with its wide, welcoming front porch and white clapboard fence, set peacefull… Read more…

Look Again, for Hope

Look Again, for Hope

by Eugene H. Peterson and Kelly Ryan Dolan

Narrated by Peterson, Eugene H

"I cry out, God, call out: 'You're my last chance, my only hope for life!’" -Psalm 142:5. Finding hope is a matter of seeing, of looking in the right direction. Hope means having the right perspective, point of view. We lose hope when our focus is fuzzy or we look in the wrong direction. Only God has the perfect perspective on every event, ever… Read more…

What to Do on the Worst Day of Your Life

What to Do on the Worst Day of Your Life

by Brian Zahnd and Kelly Ryan Dolan

Narrated by Zahnd, Brian

No one wants trouble to come.  But when it does (and it always does), you can recover... you can prevail.  "What do you do on the worst day of your life?"  Brian Zahnd turned to the Bible for answers and discovered in the life of King David an inspiring story of hope and a pattern for full recovery. In What to Do on the Worst Day of Your Life,… Read more…



by Ron Martoia and Kelly Ryan Dolan

Narrated by Martoia, Ron

Words communicate. Christians often use words to communicate to others; however, these words aren't understood by many of those outside the church. We can be so absorbed in our "christianese" that we don't realize others don't understand the jargon and cannot figure out what it is we mean by what we are saying. Static readers will become aware of… Read more…

The Slumber of Christianity: Awakening a Passion for Heaven on Earth

The Slumber of Christianity: Awakening a Passion for Heaven on Earth

by Ted Dekker and Kelly Ryan Dolan

Narrated by Dekker, Ted

As believers, our walk with God is motivated by hope, not the bland, vague notion most people have, but the expectation of an exotic, pleasurable inheritance that guides us and fires our passion...or, at least, should. Ted Dekker has written an expose on the death of pleasure within the Church. Because many of us have set aside hope and the inspired imaginat… Read more…

Desire: The Journey We Must Take to Find the Life God Offers

Desire: The Journey We Must Take to Find the Life God Offers

by John Eldredge and Kelly Ryan Dolan

Narrated by Eldredge, John

Sometimes it seems we just can't get what we want. Circumstances thwart our best-laid plans. We struggle to live a heartfelt life. Worst of all, says Eldredge, the modern church mistakenly teaches its people to kill desire (calling it sin) and replace it with duty or obligation (calling it sanctification). As a result, at best Christians tend to live saf… Read more…

The Sacred Romance: Drawing Closer to the Heart of God

The Sacred Romance: Drawing Closer to the Heart of God

by John Eldredge, Brent Curtis and Kelly Ryan Dolan

Narrated by Eldredge, John

In the heart of every person lies an inconsolable longing. Men often know it as the hunger for adventure. Women tend to feel it as a thirst for intimacy. This longing is the secret of our lives. It tells us who we are, what our life was meant to be. If you have ever felt those deep yearnings, we have some really good news: this is what the Gospel truly offer… Read more…

Waking the Dead

Waking the Dead

by John Eldredge and Kelly Ryan Dolan

Narrated by Eldredge, John

Wild at Heart helped men get their hearts back.  Waking the Dead will help us all find the life Christ promised.  Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” That’s the offer of Christianity, from God himself. Just look at what happens when people are touched by Jesus—the blind see, the lame w… Read more…

31 Days to Get The Message: Psalms and Proverbs

31 Days to Get The Message: Psalms and Proverbs

by Eugene H. Peterson and Kelly Ryan Dolan

Narrated by Peterson, Eugene H

Read the Psalms & Proverbs again. . . for the very first time. Experience the most often-read books of the Bible in a fresh, eye-opening way. The books of Psalms and Proverbs are presented in a thirty-one day devotional format. Each daily devotional includes readings from both Psalms and Proverbs that are selected to inspire and instruct. The Psalms pul… Read more…

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One Holy Fire: Let the Spirit Ignite Your Soul

One Holy Fire: Let the Spirit Ignite Your Soul

by Nicky Cruz and Kelly Ryan Dolan

Narrated by Cruz, Nicky

How can you make a difference in the world today? Does God really want YOU and your talents as he seeks to redeem the world from darkness? What would happen in your neighborhood, your place of work, your school, your church, if you called on God's Spirit to unleash his power in your life? Nicky Cruz, former gangbanger, son of a warlock and spiritualist, … Read more…

(Number of titles: 26)